Really a Nanny Blog? Why would you want to do such a thing? You know you would need to keep up with it more than your other one? Who would read it? And what do you have to say that is important? What credentials do you have to write about being a professional nanny?

Where It Began?
Truly it began at age 10, well earlier but 10 years old began my first real job watching children. The sweet thing was I started watching the girls of the nanny who watched me growing up. Amanda and Emily; they were old enough to take care of themselves. My main jobs were to make sure they went to bed on time, brushed their teeth, showered, ate a real dinner, and then I would fall asleep on the couch watching TV after the girls went to bed. Soon after that my mom thought it would be a good idea to take the RedCross Babysitting Basics Course. I attended the first two classes and honestly 100% forgot about the third one - sadly no babysitting certificate for this gal but that didn't stop the jobs from rolling in.
Children have always had a soft spot in my heart, from watching them in the church nursery to loving the two little one's my mom took care during the week. All of us have different natural talents and gifts: some are great teachers, doctors, lawyers, politicians, producers, models, fighters, lovers, etc. For me it has always been kids; playing Barbies and Baseball was always more fun then adult conversation.
Some of the More Memorable jobs:
- 2 brothers - 8 & 10 years old when I started watching them (I was 13). I remember them shooting me with Nerf guns, trying to stick their "killer" rabbit on me, and wanting to make sure I went home with at least one bruise every week.
- 1 sweet girl and her 3 lovable brothers - ages 8 years to 4 months - this one was mainly when the mom was home. I would help the school kids with their homework and keep them entertained while their mom finished the laundry, cleaned the house, got some alone time, and eventually went on small shopping trips. This is one of those families I am sad we lost contact.
- 2 brothers - at the time my pastors kids. This was a fun one, I was at least 18 when this job started. It was fun to play catch, tag, hit a baseball bat, or throw the football. They allowed my inner tomboy to come out and taught me a lot about College Football.
- The three year old boy who knew more about the human anatomy than I did; he would tell me all about the birthing process of his soon to be born brother.
- The 3 Musicians, such great and humble talent, all under the age of 7. Karaoke night was a must at this house. It was no surprise when this family moved to Nashville.
- 2 Mexican brothers - the oldest boy would have me attempt to read his Spanish books and then laugh at my horrible pronunciation. While the younger brother would always grab me ear any chance he could. This two little ones (pictured below) still have half my heart.
These are just a few of the many jobs that have crossed my path in the last 16 years. The stories above are not to brag or show off, but to resonate with you, wherever you are. To give you a tiny resume of where I have been, a place to start and understand where I am going.

Kids are fun, adorable, precious, sweet loves that make you want to pull your hair out one second and give them a hug and kiss away those tears the next. As a Nanny we often times don't have the freedom to express that dichotomy of kids. Most parents don't want to admit their child can cause a stressful day for their Nanny. And that is okay. It is part of our job, we love our Nanny-Kids in the good and bad moments. Just like we do any other person who captures our hearts.
What were some of your more memorable Nanny-Kids?
CECONNER © 3.24.2014
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